Fluent Feminine

Have you come across the idea of ‘cycle syncing’ and wanted to give it a try but haven’t because you’re not sure where to start?

Or maybe you want to lose weight - you try to eat healthier, maybe low-carb or more fiber, you try to stick with an exercise routine - but you’ve hit a plateau, haven’t seen any progress, or maybe you’ve gained weight, noticed more bloating, or your energy is zapped?

Are you tired of hating your husband, yelling at your kids, and feeling emotionally out of control, until you get you’re period and everything is OK again?

Do you wake up already exhausted and can barely make it through the day until you crash on the couch with a glass of wine and no sex drive?

Do you deal with breakouts, painful periods, bloating, PMS, and fatigue?

It's time to learn how to speak your body's language, and the best place to start is with YOU. You can’t start syncing your cycle and seeing changes - losing weight effortlessly, gaining more energy, mental clarity, and more stable moods - until you are in touch with yourself.

Your body is meant to function in a way that’s supportive of your life, but that will only happen if your life is supportive of your body. You gotta know how to listen to it and how to speak it’s language. That’s what you’ll learn in Fluent Feminine. It’s the first step to solving your period problems, to losing weight, and to gaining back your energy & sex drive.

In this podcast-style course, you will learn how to speak your body’s language with a holistic cycle tracker. Once you start listening and learning, you’ll easily be able to troubleshoot that stubborn weight, that bloating, those cramps, or your unstable energy and moods.

>> You’ll be the woman who effortlessly accomplishes her to-do list because it’s made with knowledge and intention.

>> Your days will feel energizing instead of draining because you will know how to support your body & emotions with food, exercise, rest, and mindfulness.

>> You’ll be able to tell your partner exactly what you want and need in bed because you notice how your body responds during each phase of your cycle.

>> Your period will never catch you off guard again, and you’ll have the foundation down to be able to pinpoint, troubleshoot, and resolve any hormonal imbalances.

Fluent Feminine includes:

  • digital holistic cycle tracker
  • 2 training videos to get you started with your cycle tracker
  • a private podcast feed with 15 episodes so you can learn to use your holistic cycle tracker confidently and consistently to help you sync your life with your cycle

Part 1 // Self-Awareness

Learn how to use your cycle tracker. This is an absolutely necessary foundation for self-awareness and overall health & wellbeing as a woman.

01: Introduction
02: Understand your 4 phases
03: Understand the phases of the moon
04: How to do your morning check-in
05: How to do your evening reflection, pt. 1
06: Evening reflection, pt. 2
07: Evening reflection, pt. 3

Part 2 // Intro to cyclical living & seasonal energetics

Make busy seasons feel effortless and slow seasons feel nourishing by learning how to harness cyclical energies within you and around you.

08: Introduction to cyclical living
09: Winter energy
10: Spring energy
11: Summer energy
12: Autumn energy

Part 3 // Integration

Learn simple practices to make cyclical living a part of your everyday life.

13: How to stay consistent with your cycle tracker
14: Connection to nature
15: Celebration & next steps

More important than all the nutrition, supplements, and low-tox living, is for you to know how to care for yourself and understand your body first. ONLY THEN will you be able to reach your next-level health goals, and only then will it feel effortless.

Join Fluent Feminine today!

Hi friend 👋 I'm Michelle

I struggled with my hormone balance for YEARS after being on hormonal birth control for almost a decade. I’m talking loooong periods, hormonal acne, debilitating migraines that were triggered by my cycle, and several miscarriages. I would have dizzy spells and brain fog because my blood sugar was so out of whack, some days it was hard for me to do simple tasks like respond to emails. I remember when I was a mom of 2 under 2, I felt like I was on an emotional roller coaster and my poor husband and babies had to deal with my freakouts, crying, and yelling waaaay too often.

Over the past 11 years, I’ve become obsessed with learning about my cycle, my hormones, and cyclical living. I’ve cut sugar, gone dairy & gluten free, tried a strict AIP diet, and read (what feels like) all the books on cycle syncing and cyclical & seasonal living. I've tried several different cycle trackers before I finally started developing my own holistic cycle tracking method in 2018. The cycle tracker I use with my clients and in this program has been developed over YEARS of learning and improving (and I'm constantly thinking of ways to make it better and better).

Since 2016 I’ve worked individually with dozens of moms and babies, and supported hundreds more through my online programs. I’ve helped women get pregnant naturally, come off of restrictive diets feeling better than before, detox from birth control to finally feel like themselves again, balance their blood sugar to reconnect with their hunger cues, and so much more. I can't wait to be a part of your journey to self-awareness, body literacy, and unlimited potential!

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