Cyclically Aligned Series

Sync your nutrition, movement, and rest with your cycle

...head into the new year with your habits synced and set!

 No more crashing by dinnertime

 Work WITH your body instead of battling it

 Not losing your sh*t with your family

 Feel like superwoman at work and at home

When you purchase the Cyclically Aligned Bundle you will receive access to...

Cyclically Aligned: Nutrition Edition

Syncing your diet with your cycle may seem impossibly overwhelming, but it can be simple and feel supportive. This course will help you:

  • understand the basics of cyclical living
  • support each of the four phases of your cycle with what you're eating
  • take the simple concepts you learn in this masterclass, along with a 4-week cyclical meal plan and a framework for planning and prepping cyclically-aligned meals, and incorporate it into your everyday life sustainably

Cyclically Aligned: Movement Edition

Even if you aren't someone who exercises regularly, this class will help you:

  • understand the basics of cyclical living
  • learn how your metabolism and stress response change throughout your cycle and use that knowledge as a KEY component to balancing your hormones and kick starting your metabolism
  • understand at a scientific level when to get your heart pumping, when to do some slow strength training, and of course - when to take it easy with intuitive movement & walks
  • get the most out of your workouts so that you can have more consistent energy, better periods, and effortless weight loss.

Cyclically Aligned: Rest & Mindfulness Edition

In this class we're talking more than just sleep, it will help you:

  • understand the basics of cyclical living
  • find more and longer-lasting energy
  • have more patience and stable moods
  • find a rest practice that matches your changing energetic need AND your life (even if you aren't a nap person)
  • how to start a mindfulness practice and sync it with your cycle to boost your productivity and creativity

Each class includes lifetime access to:

  • video training (30-45 minutes)
  • additional supportive resources
  • your very own holistic cycle tracker
  • and a cyclically-aligned blueprint template for you to complete and create your very own cyclical blueprint.

Here's what the women are saying about the Cyclically Aligned Bundle...

"I'm so glad I signed up for this!" -Corinne

"I'm filling out the blueprint and I'm finding it SO helpful to understand how everything is fitting together." -Rachel

Hi friend 👋 I'm Michelle.

I struggled with my hormone balance for YEARS after being on hormonal birth control for almost a decade. I’m talking loooong periods, hormonal acne, debilitating migraines that were triggered by my cycle, and several miscarriages. I would have dizzy spells and brain fog because my blood sugar was so out of whack, some days it was hard for me to do simple tasks like respond to emails. I remember when I was a mom of 2 under 2, I felt like I was on an emotional roller coaster and my poor husband and babies had to deal with my freakouts, crying, and yelling waaaay too often.

Over the past 11 years, I’ve become obsessed with learning about my cycle, my hormones, and cyclical living. I’ve cut sugar, gone dairy & gluten free, tried a strict AIP diet, and read (what feels like) all the books on cycle syncing and cyclical & seasonal living. I've tried several different cycle trackers before I finally started developing my own holistic cycle tracking method in 2018. The cycle tracker I use with my clients and in this program has been developed over YEARS of learning and improving (and I'm constantly thinking of ways to make it better and better).

Since 2016 I’ve worked individually with dozens of moms and babies, and supported hundreds more through my online programs. I’ve helped women get pregnant naturally, come off of restrictive diets feeling better than before, detox from birth control to finally feel like themselves again, balance their blood sugar to reconnect with their hunger cues, and so much more. I can't wait to be a part of your journey to self-awareness, body literacy, and unlimited potential!

Create your very own Cyclical Blueprint so that you can balance your hormones, kickstart your metabolism, have more consistent energy, and have the mental space & clarity to boost your creativity & productivity.

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 Cyclically Aligned Series
 $36.00 USD

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