The Cyclical Reset: Detox Edition






When Summer rolls around you could...

🍷 try another alcohol-free month

🥗 do another Whole 30

🏋️‍♀️ start a new workout plan

...and hope they "work"

Or you could set yourself up to feel good in your body all year long WITHOUT

❌ a strict diet

❌ depriving yourself

❌ battling against your body


You get to feel good in your body all the damn time - even with the ups & downs and craziness that is real life.

Learn how SIMPLE it is to support your metabolism & detoxification pathways so that you:

  • Have the ENERGY you desire
    wake up refreshed & able to keep up with the demands of everyday life
  • Find FREEDOM from cravings, bloating, and mood swings
    no more afternoon slump, unbuttoned pants, or freakouts on your kids
  • Maintain CLEAR SKIN
    Stop spending time trying to cover up your hormonal breakouts every month
  • Finally have CONSISTENT periods that feel EASY BREEZY
    Instead, your period feels magical, like a fresh start

Most diet & wellness advice is leaving out a crucial piece - and that’s YOU.

💃 YOU are a WOMAN


And ok, maybe YOU are FREAKING OVERWHELMED 😮‍💨

Sometimes it feels like you can only care for yourself after everyone else’s needs are met...and then you're just too damn tired.

Wouldn't it feel INCREDIBLE to:

  • lose that extra weight around your middle
  • fix your painful, wonky periods
  • clear up your embarrassing adult acne
  • finally get your sex drive back
  • and not need to rely on caffeine, sugar, or alcohol to get you through your days

But typical advice makes it feel impossible.

Like a never ending battle.

Like that life is just not for you, not right now.

But it IS for you!

It's just that no one has helped set you up for success.


The Cyclical Reset: Detox Edition is specifically designed to combine the foundational pieces of cyclical living with science-backed methods for hormone balance and weight loss.

Here's what women are saying about the Cyclical Reset Program

"My gut health has improved x1000000." -Kayla

"I was able to lose the last 13 lbs of baby weight and feel confident in my bikini again. I sleep better. I move better. I feel lighter - physically and emotionally." -Lauren

"I feel so much more BALANCED overall." -Amy

"It's been incredibly insightful and it’s something simple that I can work with and actually implement into my life." -Jenna

Hi 👋, I'm Michelle

headshot photo of Michelle holding a cup of tea

I struggled with hormone balance for YEARS after being on hormonal birth control for almost a decade. I’m talking loooong periods, hormonal acne, debilitating migraines that were triggered by my cycle, and several miscarriages. I would have dizzy spells and brain fog because my blood sugar was so out of whack, some days it was hard for me to do simple tasks like respond to emails. I remember when I was a mom of 2 under 2, I felt like I was on an emotional roller coaster and my poor husband and babies had to deal with my freakouts, crying, and yelling waaaay too often.

Over the past 11 years, I’ve become obsessed with learning about my cycle, my hormones, and cyclical living. I’ve cut sugar, gone dairy & gluten free, tried a strict AIP diet, and read (what feels like) all the books on cycle syncing and cyclical & seasonal living. 

Since 2016 I’ve worked individually with dozens of moms and babies, and supported hundreds more through my online programs. I’ve helped women lose those stubborn 10+ lbs., get pregnant naturally, come off of restrictive diets feeling better than ever, detox from birth control to finally feel like themselves again, balance their blood sugar to reconnect with their hunger cues, and so much more.

Here's how it works:

'SPRING' - plan, prepare, organize

  • Schedule your 30-minute private call to go over your current metabolic & hormonal state and get clear on your goals (add-on option)
  • Gain access to a series of video trainings on foundational concepts for DETOXIFICATION and CYCLICAL LIVNIG

'SUMMER' - take aligned action & grow

  • REMOVE: begin to reduce the load on your liver. Set your kitchen up to support detoxification and balanced hormones, learn how to replace common hormone disrupting products, develop strategies that work for YOU to reduce stress.
  • ELIMINATE (💩): make sure you're supporting phase 3 detoxification by pooping regularly. Implement simple strategies to support gut health.
  • NOURISH: develop your own system of supporting your hormones, detoxification, and weight loss that feels simple and nourishing. No more feeling hungry, deprived, or overwhelmed. You also get a 4-week cyclical meal plan to get you started.

'AUTUMN' - complete & celebrate

  • Tie everything together and feel good about your plan going forward
  • Schedule your final 30-minute private call to reflect on how far you've come and put a plan in place for moving forward (add-on option)

'WINTER' - rest & reflect

  • At the end of our time together, rest and reflect on how far you’ve come, keep incorporating your new habits, and continue on your amazing journey (because you don't always need to be DOING & GROWING, but your journey doesn’t end here)!
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 Regular $127
 $127.00 USD
 Add on 2 private coaching calls
 $199.00 USD

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